Notice Board

Event Calendar

<February 2025>

Our Toppers

Summer:Grey full Trousers, White half sleeve shirt, Navy blue tie with School Monogram, Grey belt with mustard and navy blue stripes, grey socks with mustard and navy blue stripes, black leather shoes, ( Grey short trousers for boys from [Class I – V]

Winter: Navy blue blazer, grey full trousers, white full sleeve shirt, ‘V’ neck grey pullover with mustard and blue stripes on the neck [full and half sleeve] grey socks with mustard and navy blue stripes, black shoes, navy blue tie with School Monogram, grey belt with mustard and navy blue stripes.
Saturday Uniform:
K.G. Wing:
- Casual Outfits
Class I – V : White short trousers, white shirt, white socks, white P.T. shoes.
Class VI – XII: White full trousers, house shirt, white socks, white P.T. shoes, school track suit. '

Grey pleated skirt, white half-sleeve shirt, Navy blue tie with School Monogram, grey belt with mustard and blue stripes, grey socks with mustard and navy blue stripes, black leather shoes, black elastic grip or black hair band.

Winter: Navy blue blazer, grey trousers, white full sleeve shirt, ‘V’ neck grey pullover with mustard and navy blue stripes on the neck, [full and half sleeve] navy blue tie with School Monogram, grey belt with mustard and navy blue stripes, grey socks with mustard and navy blue stripes, black leather shoes.

- Casual Outfits
Class I – V :- White divided skirt, white shirt, white socks, white P.T. shoes.
Class VI – XII:- White divided skirt, house shirt, white socks, white P.T. shoes. School track suit.
 Note: A neat and clean uniform is a must. Students who come untidily dressed to school will be sent home.